
  • 开放合作-探索中英经贸新路径 ——第六届中英经贸论坛成功举办

    December 04, 2023


  • Huge potential between China and the North of England is highlighted

    December 01, 2023

    Great potential for collaboration between China and the United Kingdom lies at the regional level and in sectors involving high-quality development, senior government officials and business leaders said during two forums held in Manchester this week.

  • UK companies are looking forward to closer ties with China

    December 04, 2023

    Some UK companies say they want to forge closer links with China, despite government curbs. It's one of the messages coming from the China-UK Economic and Trade Forum in Manchester, now in its 6th year.

  • 任鸿斌在第六届中英经贸论坛发表视频主旨演讲

    December 04, 2023


  • Barriers falling, cooperation continuing

    December 04, 2023

    Seventy years after icebreaking mission and a decade on from the start of BRI, business collaboration still strong between China and the United Kingdom

  • 第六届中英经贸论坛聚焦探索两国贸易新路径

    December 04, 2023


  • 第六届中英经贸论坛在曼彻斯特举办

    December 04, 2023


  • Chinese firms thriving in UK despite challenges

    December 01, 2023

    Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical challenges, and short-term economic pressures, Chinese companies have not only survived but thrived in the United Kingdom, where they continue to make a contribution to a prosperous local economy and support the common goals of both countries, a new report shows.