'The 3rd China-UK Economic and Trade Forum' and The Launch Ceremony of the '2020 Report on the Development of Chinese Enterprises in the UK'
November 25, 2020
On 25th November, the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK with the support of the Chinese Embassy in the UK and the UK Department of International Trade successfully held “The 3rd China-UK Economic and Trade Forum” and the launch ceremony of the ‘2020 Report on the Development of Chinese Enterprises in the UK” online.
November 27, 2020
人民网伦敦11月26日电 由中国驻英国大使馆、英国国际贸易部特别支持,英国中国商会主办的“第三届中英经贸论坛暨《2020英国中资企业发展报告》发布会”25日在线上举办。论坛以“面向未来 共创发展与繁荣”为主题展开深层次讨论,旨在加强中英两国的经贸合作与交流,实现互利共赢、共同发展。
China prioritizes strengthening UK ties as its post-pandemic economic rebound gathers pace
November 26, 2020
China's ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, has said strengthening ties with UK businesses will be a priority as the country looks to build new partnerships as part of its economic response to the pandemic.
Strong Sino-UK business links addressed in forum
November 26, 2020
The world should embrace multilateralism and promote cooperation to step out difficulties caused by the pandemic and the United Kingdom should "strengthen confidence" in Sino-British business exchanges, said Liu Xiaoming, China's ambassador to the UK, on Wednesday.
第三届中英经贸论坛举行 中国驻英大使:把握三大机遇
November 26, 2020
第三届中英经贸论坛暨《2020 英国中资企业发展报告》发布会25日举行。中国驻英大使刘晓明在第三届中英经贸论坛上发表题为《坚定信心 抓住机遇 合作共赢》的主旨演讲。
November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
英国时间11月25日,以“面向未来 共创发展与繁荣”为主题的第三届中英经贸论坛暨《2020英国中资企业发展报告》发布会在英举行。
November 26, 2020